Log-in options description:
UNDP partners using Microsoft 365
Users from agencies using MS Azure Active Directory or Microsoft 365 should select this option. The following are recognized tenants: unicc.org, unwomen.org, unu.edu, unssc.org, unitar.org, un.org, wfp.org, unops.org, unicef.org, unodc.org, undss.org, iom.int, ifad.org, unaids.org, who.int, ohchr.org, unctad.org, unhcr.org, fao.org, ilo.org, unaids.org, unesco.org, unido.org, wipo.int, unu.int, unwto.org, unrwa.org, icao.int, and wmo.int.
* Please note, you may need to consent for UNDP system to be able to read your basic info including first name, last name, and your organization email. This information will be used solely for identification purposes.